Friday, April 9, 2010

Music. Making sports awesome since....forever?

Sports and Music. Two radically different yet passionately entwined disciplines that when chemically blended in perfect dosages can create an atmosphere and emotional wave that is nearly impossible to rival. What? Let me explain. 

Being an athlete, nothing can substitute the feelings and motivation one derives from music. I am convinced this feeling is universal. There has never been a locker room that I have been a part of that is devoid of some type of musical Amp'age. And why ? Because music acts like an emotional centrifuge. Spinning your mind and soul, sucking every ounce of passion, excitement, anxiety, anger and nerves to the surface. Athletes love this feeling, I know I do. 

So what's the best part? It's that for every inch of diversity amongst athletes, there is even more variety amongst music, enabling each individual to find and select nothing short of the absolute most effective sounds to put him or her in that holy 'mode' pre battle. Everyone brings a different routine to the table, with music acting as the spine of each plan more times than not. 

And what makes that perfect pre-game sound? Only the listener can tell you. I've been wedged between a teammate blaring country while the other listens to underground hip/hop. I've heard Madonna and Rammstein. That's why it is so damn beautiful. The most random, eclectic, and mismatched combinations of musical taste often lead to the most cohesive, prepared and focused teams on the ice, or field. 

Personally, I lean towards the Biggest, most obnoxiously catchy ballads when it comes down to the moment. ACDC will forever be a staple, Metallica, The Offspring, Pennywise, you get the idea. Simple is better in my world, words are negligible, and all I want to hear is emotion, loud electric guitar, bass and drums. I'll even throw in the occasional movie sound track, Hans Zimmers 'Rock' Theme never lets me down. My current favorite goes to Black Tides "Warriors of Time". If you've watched a NHL game this year you have heard their "Oh-oh-oh-oh!" chorus blaring in the background, firing up everyone within earshot. 

We are the ones, We are the warriors, We are the ones who fight for our right, We fight alone, And yeah we get what we want, We love the battle, And we will die for our cause " 

It's perfect ! It's cliche, simple, decipherable and thrown against metal-infused instrumentals creates a perfect sports psych up ballad. As I said earlier, the lyrics are not at the top of the sports song priorities list. See "The Hey Song" for reference. It will definitely crack my esteemed pre-game play list for the upcoming season. 

Sports sans music would suck, for lack of a better word. The music feeds of the emotions of all involved and ushers the aura of competition to that 'NEXT' level. What would the final seconds of a game be without "The Final Countdown", or even the starting lineups with "Sirius", or pre puck drop without "Thunderstruck", it would be nothing short of an epic fail in comparison. 

In closing, from one passionate arena to another, thank you music for providing that supplement, that spark to the disciplines that countless athletes hurl themselves at in every imaginable forum, playing surface and moment. Personally I would not have had the success I have enjoyed had it not been for the sound track to my car rocking, ipod blasting, lip syncing pre-game routines that I have cherished for years and can not wait to continue. 

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