But why is it that a often cramped, leg restricting, belted, lumbar lacking seat can provide the necessary medium for so many fresh and invigorating thoughts? Is it the purified oxygen pumping aggressively through the cabin, feeding the mind ? Perhaps it is the consistency of the engine noise setting the tone for the journey? It very well could be the powerful panoramic scenes slipping silently beneath the wings, or even something as trivial as the honey roasted, scratch that, now salted peanuts. Whatever the source, the aforementioned ingredients of flying blend melodiously perfect for me and my cerebral capabilities.
I suspect many great events have been directly planned or influenced while in aerial transition. Every global leader flies countless miles annually. Globalization of the worlds business scheme has demanded more and more corporate Goliath's to take to the skies. Sports executives, agents, and athletes travel incredible distances to negotiate and barter, all before the first play. The symmetrical examples are infinite. And then there is me, a twenty six year old vagabond semi-professional hockey player with developing business aspirations who with every take off and ascent feels oddly more driven, focused and creative with no solid reasoning to explain. Flying just does it for me.
Whatever the scientific explanation is, if one does exist, it is of little importance. I will continue to embrace and utilize my time in the skies, applying it's altitude induced benefits to every text, spreadsheet, Venn diagram or life outline I may contrive. Where others might feel fear & unease, I find solace and view life and it's questions with a new sense of lucidity. The miracle of flight has always been there in helping me reach my desired destinations. It has also taken me to some great places as well.
Unfortunately, today we are surrounded by so many self absorbed, ignorant, egotistical "takers"...who take everything at their fingertips for granted, including the miracle of flight. Just think about the advances my parents (your grandparents) saw with their own eyes. From bi-planes with one open cockpit chugging along at 10,000ft. going 120mph (often at less than 60mph ground speed into a stiff headwind) to today's jumbos with more than 800 passengers sitting in lounge chairs traveling at 500mph at 40,000ft....enjoying hot food and cold drinks. I am flabbergasted when people complain after being told to sit down and fasten their seatbelts. I find it amazing that people resist buckling up even when hurtling through the air at speeds close to that of a bullet, eight miles straight up.